Special Transformers
These transformers are normally used to provide grounding for unbalanced currents and for fault currents on systems where proper grounding would not be available.
Surplec manufactures GND transformers (ZIGZAG) with a maximum primary voltage of 34.5kV with or without auxiliary / secondary windings. Units are built according to the CSA and SN standards of Hydro-Québec.
More commonly known as GND
These devices are designed to avoid the presence of floating voltages and ensure the safety of people near electrical systems.
Built with one or two configurations: Zig-Zag (Zn) with or without an auxiliary winding or Wye (Ynd) mounting with a delta connected secondary. The Zig-Zag connection is preferred because it is more economical and physically smaller than the Delta-Y unit.
Additional security is offered according to engineering calculations. Neutral resistance (NGR) is often used in conjunction with the GND transformer to limit the magnitude of the neutral current. The rated voltage of the NGR should be equal to the line voltage of the GND transformer.
Optional accessories :
- Special fluid: FR3, Silicone or Beta Fluid
- Removable radiators
- Galvanized radiators
- CT on the HV, LV and/or neutral side
- Overpressure vents